Category Archives: Blog
← Older posts Newer posts →E-motional Bodies and Cities Research: The Bigger Picture
June 11, 2012EU referendum, Euro 2012, Eucharistic Congress – all this goes on around us. It’s woven in the city. It shapes how people feel what they hope for and what they fear. It can’t be forgotten in attending to E-motional Bodies in Dublin.
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E-motional Bodies and Cities Research: Remember a space for possibilities
June 11, 2012 Posted in Blog | Leave a commentE-motional Bodies and Cities Research: Connections
May 31, 2012Recognising that I have found already several niches for myself in Dublin, I also realise that the city is already full of connections I’ve made with other people, connections that have a particular power when they have been made through shared creativity and corporal expression. Those connections are alive in me as I continue to experience the city in the company of new colleagues. read more…
Posted in Blog | Leave a commentE-motional Bodies and Cities: First day in Dublin
May 27, 2012I’m not the only one to feel an ownership of the city but I have tried to imprint myself on Dublin and I feel I’ve earned through physical and creative commitment my own place among the places of others who also inhabit this place. It is with a kind of surprise that I recognise this but I think it’s an important realistion that I can accept responsibility and credit for having contributed something in this city. read more…
Posted in Blog | 1 CommentCorp_Real performance and symposium
May 1, 2012I was taken aback to hear how viscerally some people responded to my performance in Galway last week but as I reflect further maybe I should be grateful for these troubled but appreciative responses to the performance. read more…
Posted in Blog | Leave a commentStarlight Fundit campaign
April 22, 2012There’s something particularly encouraging about knowing people (from all over the world) believe in the work enough to commit money to it. Thank you all so much read more…
Posted in Blog | Leave a commentStarlight rehearsals London
April 17, 2012It’s over a year since Starlight started as a research residency at The Firkin Crane in Cork. I worked with Matthew Morris, intending to make a solo with him. An alignment of stars meant that Peggy Grelat Dupont came too, … read more…
Posted in Blog | Leave a commentChoreographers and control
March 20, 2012On Saturday I saw two very different performances that made me think about choreography and control. read more…
Posted in Blog | Leave a commentTabernacle: Gabriel Schmitz and Tove Hirth
January 28, 2012When we were in residence in Barcelona last November, sculptor Tove Hirth and painter Gabriel Schmitz spent some time in the studio drawing, photographing and absorbing our rehearsals for Tabernacle. Their sensitivity to evocative images of bodies arranged in space meant that they saw so much of the detail of the piece. And their generous seeing was gratifying for me and for the dancers.
Now I am delighted to see some of the results of their seeing emerging in their work. read more…
Salute to the Merce Cunningham Dance Company
January 11, 2012I’m not the first to note the challenge of trying to see Cunningham choreography. The dances themselves are built to kill lazy looking: You have to make decisions. read more…
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